Where we Work
The Republic of Uganda is situated in East Africa and is almost three times the size of Ireland. The population is substantially larger than that of the Irish population, with an estimated population of 37 million people. Uganda is bordered to the east by Kenya, to the north by South Sudan, to the west by the Democratic Republic of Congo, to the southwest by Rwanda and to the south by Tanzania.
Uganda is a low-income country with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of 501 US dollars. Most people live in rural areas and make their living from agriculture. With regard to development, Uganda has made impressive strides towards achieving selected Millenium Development Goals, attributable in part to significant economic gain and stability over the past couple of decades.

Kisiizi Hospital
Kisiizi Hospital is a rural hospital in southwest Uganda, located between Kabale and Rukungiri. The hospital was first established in 1958 by the Ruanda Mission and subsequently handed over to the Church of Uganda.
In 1959 an abandoned factory was converted into the hospital with two wards, an operating theatre, a labour ward, sterilising rooms, doctors rooms, as well as stores, a laundry, kitchens and wash rooms.
Today, Church of Uganda Kisiizi Hospital is a 260-bed private, not-for-profit rural hospital, offering a range of specialist services to the surrounding community. Since it's establishment, the hospital has founded Kisiizi Primary School, Kisiizi School of Nursing and a hydro-power company, Kisiizi Power Company Limited, located at the site of Kisiizi Waterfall.
To find out more about Kisiizi Hospital visit the Kisiizi Hospital website at http://www.kisiizihospital.org.ug/