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Our Projects

April 2023 Projects: 

- CHEEERS:DHT sent five volunteers to Kisiizi Hospital this year: three physiotherapists, a speech and language therapist, and our first ever biomedical engineer!

- Our volunteers attended the unveiling of Kisiizi Hospital’s new digital x-ray machine.

CHEEERS:DHT funded a prosthesis for a 16-year-old above knee amputee patient. The patient travelled to Mbarara for the initial fitting, which is a two hour drive away from Kisiizi. This funding included the provision of the prosthesis in Mbarara with fitting, gait education, transport, accommodation, and food.

- Our volunteers delivered medical supplies such as scrubs, resistance bands, latex gloves, surgical aprons, surgical caps, crutches, and pulse oximeters to the staff of Kisiizi Hospital.

-Our volunteers also delivered sports equipment, such as soccer balls, soccer gloves, badminton rackets, shuttle cocks, volleyball nets, and volleyball balls to the residents of Kisiizi!

-Our volunteers hosted a one-day workshop on recovery from major and general disabilities, which was attended by over 70 healthcare workers.


April 2019 Projects

  • Delivered 2 MDT workshops (physical activity and health and wellbeing / pressure care management) to over 100 local healthcare professionals from Kisiizi hospital, surrounding community healthcare centres and other hospitals

  • 100+ education packs, USBs and poster resources provided with CPD certificates awarded to all participants

  • Training provided to staff on proper use and maintenance of an AED

  • Joint medical-nursing policy established on optimum placing, access to and use of the AED

  • Completed audits relating to the management of oral feeding and NG tube feeding on acute wards in Kisiizi hospital; shared audit results and recommendations with hospital MDT at a general meeting

  • Created a ‘nutrition & feeding’ information board for each ward to provide advice to staff, patients and families

  • Created and shared dysphagia education folders on all wards at Kisiizi hospital

  • Trained 9 new Kisiizi hospital dysphagia champions, and provided refresher course to the 3 champions trained in 2018

  • Education provided to Kisiizi School of Nursing about paediatric dysphagia and dysphagia post stroke

  • Nutritional support education and resource development on community outreach

  • Weaning education session delivered to diploma midwives and paediatric ward staff; weaning information poster developed for paediatric ward

  • Shadowed on malnutrition ward and provided laminated displays of F-75 and F-100 production (Kisiizi nut)

  • Diabetes posters, insulin information sheet and diabetes patient record card shared and developed with diabetes team

  • Carried out an audit on the management of burn injuries in Kisiizi Hospital

  • Developed a resource for the nursing staff on both surgical and paediatric ward on the physiotherapy management of burn injuries

  • Educated surgical nursing staff on post-op chest clearance resource and made resources available on ward

  • Created resource in rehab department for upper limb rehab post stroke – GRASP

  • Lectured in nursing school on positioning in stroke

  • Contributed to community and hospital rehabilitation advice document for therapy staff on community outreach

  • Education session provided on paediatric developmental milestones to nursing staff; provided resources and information on how these can be used to promote early development; timetable of play based activities developed for ward

  • Evaluation and implementation of SSKIN assessment tool and pressure ulcer risk assessment tool on medical and surgical ward

  • Conducted audit of chairs available on acute wards

  • Explored potential of developing sustainable groups in mental health; designed and implemented social group on ward with guidelines for staff; designed an evidenced- based resource folder following consultation with ward sister, introduced and provided this resource to staff

  • Sample activity and daily routine timetables for wards provided; orientation board provided to ward

  • Audited drug usage on Medical Lower Ward over 10 week period and created a  ward stock list- saving time for nursing and pharmacy staff

  • Delivered a lecture on the administration of medication via NG tubes

  • Resources shared on the pharmacy's page on Stre@mline

  • Re-organised the night medication storage cupboard

  • Formulated IV monographs for frequently used IV medication

April 2018 Projects

  • Clinical assessment forms revised and videos developed to support safe swallow assessment

  • Theoretical and practical training provided at ward level, practical training included bedside swallow assessments, implementing safe swallow guidelines and advising family attendants

  • Dysphagia champions identified and presented with certificates following theoretical and practical training

  • Pharmacist review of inpatient medication management, dispensing process and operations, current IT systems for medication management; recommendations to facilitate improvements outlined

  • Education sessions delivered to nursing staff on the surgical ward on the role of nutrition in wound healing and on nutrition and diabetes

  • Resources developed for the surgical ward, to be used for patient education and to be displayed around the ward for patients and their attendants

  • Refresher presentation delivered to nursing staff on nutrition screening  in children under 5 years of age, further learning needs identified (expression for further education in the area of practically feeding a child with malnutrition, weaning and basic nutrition advice)

  • Audit of post-op mobility protocol and resources in place (number of chairs, cushions, posters), identification of additional resources required, further education sessions with nursing staff (on topics such as post-op mobility, airway clearance and pressure care)

  • Theory and practical sessions conducted in the School of Nursing, jointly with physiotherapy and occupational therapy

  • Outdoor exercise classes with appropriate patients from the mental health ward

  • Protocol developed with ideas for warm up/main section/cool down 

  • Posters with positive mental health messages devised, printed, laminated and placed in reception area of mental health ward

  • Timetable for weekly activities devised, with the aim of providing structure to patients on the mental health ward

  • Joint treatment sessions with CHEEERS: DHT physiotherapists and local physiotherapist to encourage skill sharing

  • Development of a screening tool and care pathway for pressure and the education of the use of this tool to nursing students and ward staff

  • Appointment of pressure care champions on the surgical and medical upper and lower wards to oversee implementation and use of the new tool


April 2017 Projects

  • Multidisciplinary team diabetes workshop (input from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and nutrition and dietetics)

  • Training provided and resources developed to support neonates with feeding difficulties

  • Continued training of hospital staff on the management of patients with dysphagia / at risk of aspiration (additional resources provided)

  • Workshops delivered to students at the School of Nursing on the area of speech and language therapy

  • Assessment of children with learning difficulties attending the local primary school 

  • Training and advice provided to teachers at the local primary school on how to best support children with learning difficulties in the classroom

  • Provision of toys and games to the local primary school with suggestions for use in language development and education

  • Malnutrition screening in the inpatient and community paediatric setting with nursing staff, student nurses and community healthcare workers

  • Education of hospital and community healthcare workers on the correct procedures for taking and interpreting anthropometric measurements and plotting and tracking centiles on growth charts in line with WHO recommendations 

  • Provision of new calibrated weighing scales, measuring mats and tape measures for measuring mid-upper arm circumference

  • Review of current dietetic practice at Kisiizi Hospital to gather information to help inform future projects, for example, information on the identification and treatment of paediatric malnutrition and maternal and infant nutrition (breastfeeding and weaning practices)

  • Auditing of use of pressure-relieving cushions provided in previous years

  • Lower limb elevation cushions designed in collaboration with local tailor

  • Review of seating on surgical ward and training of staff on seating assessments

  • Review of mental health service practice and engagement with occupational therapy services, including group activities

  • Education and co-treatment sessions with local staff members of neonates in the paediatric ICU and patients on the paediatric, surgical and medical wards

  • Paediatric physiotherapy training conducted in the School of Nursing

  • Health promotion exercise classes delivered 

  • Review of post-op mobility protocol implemented in previous years

  • Exploration of potential physiotherapy role in the Ponsetti splinting programme with orthopaedic officer 

  • Funding provided for the training of a Radiographer

  • Funding provided for the training of three Midwives and a General Nurse

  • Funding provided for the training of a Clinical Officer in Liasion Psychiatry

  • Funding provided for the training of a Special Needs Teacher


April 2016 Projects

  • Multidisciplinary team stroke workshop (input from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and nutrition and dietetics)

  • Post-operative mobility assessment on surgical ward

  • Diabetes awareness campaign (information and awareness, development of posters and videos)

  • Nutrition and family planning education (information sessions, community talks, videos on nutrition and family planning) 

  • Stadiometers for malnutrition ward and outpatients

  • Glucometers for the diabetes outpatient clinic

  • Community-based rehabilitation and outreach initiatives with hospital staff

  • Collaboration with Kisiizi Primary School to conduct physical and psychological assessments on children attending/hoping to attend Kisiizi Primary School in September 2016

  • Multidisciplinary team presentations to students at Kisiizi School of Nursing

  • Funding for chairs on surgical ward

  • Funding for prostheses for patients with amputations

  • Funding for the training of a Clinical Officer in Liasion Psychiatry

  • Funding for the training of a Special Needs Teacher

  • Funding for nutrition education sessions and cookery classes on malnutrition ward


April 2015 Projects

  • Implementation of a post-operative mobility protocol on surgical ward

  • Funding for chairs on surgical ward

  • Funding for prostheses for patients with amputations

  • Funding for the training of a Clinical Officer in Liasion Psychiatry

  • Funding for the training of a Special Needs Teacher

  • Funding for nutrition education sessions and cookery classes on malnutrition ward

  • Funding for nursing staff to visit Bwindi Hospital, Uganda to observe the nutrition screening and care planning practices in place

  • Clinical audit training with Kisiizi Hospital staff

  • Development of a nutrition resource pack (education on nutrition screening and care planning)

  • Development of a diabetes resource pack (awareness and management)

  • Community-based rehabilitation and outreach initiatives with hospital staff


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