Over the weekend of the 9th and 10th of September, a period of prolonged rainfall resulted in severe flooding at Kisiizi Hospital.
The paediatric, lower medical and female surgical wards were evacuated. The power supply to the hospital and surrounding community had been cut and the circuit boards were badly damaged. The water supply was also been interrupted, and there were reports of raw sewage in the flood waters.
Kisiizi Hospital needs funds to support the hospital's recovery following this disaster. The CHEEERS: Developing Healthcare Together team are appealing for any support possible. If you could help our appeal please visit our ifundraise page on the following here. All donations that we receive over the next 2 months via this platform will go directly to the flood relief effort.
If you are living in the UK, please donate to the registered UK charity Kisiizi Partners by clicking here and indicate that you wish to give ‘GiftAid’. This will allow Kisiizi Partners to claim tax relief on your donation and then we can generate even more funds to support Kisiizi Hospital and the patients, staff and the community at this challenging time.
Please share this appeal as far as possible and thank you for your thoughts and support for Kisiizi.
Thank you,
The CHEEERS: Developing Healthcare Together team